Why I Started a New Facebook Group Called Destiny Helpers, Part 1

“I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something.  And that which I can do, by the grace of God, I will do.” - D. L. Moody

The other day, I got news of a friend in Ghana who was involved in a serious auto accident. All four limbs were badly damaged, and the doctors have done several surgeries to try and save this precious life. But there was need for more money in order to carry out even more surgeries. I sent every single cash my family could afford at the time, but it was still grossly inadequate for the need. That was when I wished that there was a network of like-minded friends that I could have asked to chip in a little here and there so we could send a larger pool of cash to help this person. 

The longer I thought about it, the more I wondered if this might be a good time for a platform of select destiny helpers to help each other along the way. We may be scattered all over the world, but our needs are as legitimate as they are varied. It is often true that one or more of us may well have a word of advice, connection, or support that another member needs to fulfill a dream or achieve a goal. As we know too well, the person at the receiving end today may be the giver or helper tomorrow. Life is in phases. In fact, as we grow or advance in life, our assignments may change or grow as well, necessitating new opportunities and challenges. We will always need a community of destiny helpers.

I know that there are crowd-funding platforms out there, like indiegogo. But what I envisioned is a community of generous people supporting each other in various ways, that may or may not involve raising money. Sometimes, what people need may have nothing to do with money, like putting in a word for someone looking for a new job. And yes, sometimes, a little financial gift goes a long way as well.

As a result, I started this new group on Facebook called Destiny Helpers just for that purpose. I started the group just about two days now, and it already has over 300 members and growing. If you are interested in joining or just to check it out, here is the link: Destiny Helpers Facebook Group

In the next post, I will provide a few more details about this group, for those who may be interested
