The Spirit of Creation
Text: Genesis 1: 1-5
In my last post, we examined the fact that the Holy Spirit is the ultimate secret to successful living. Today, we shall study the creative powers of the Holy Spirit. Yes, the Holy Spirit can create life, favor, joy, salvation etc where none existed. This is one more reason we need Him so much.
Divine Incubator: Genesis 1: 2 gives us a very vivid picture of the Holy Spirit as an “incubator”. The word ‘hover’ or ‘brood’ means to “incubate”. To brood means ‘to sit upon (eggs) to hatch, as a bird; incubate’ or ‘to warm, protect, or cover (young) with the wings or body’ ( When we allow the Holy Spirit to brood over our lives and decision-making, He will hatch great destinies, peace, righteousness, abundance etc. And what is more, He will warm, protect and cover what He hatches. When Jesus, the Savior of the world, was to be born, it took the brooding of the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:34-36). And when Jesus was about to leave the earth, he knew that it would take the Holy Spirit to empower and sustain His disciples who where charged with spreading the work of salvation (Acts 1: 8, John 14: 16-18, 26).
So, what should be our response?
Total Surrender: If it takes the Holy Spirit to incubate and birth God’s destiny in our lives, then it behooves us to surrender to Him completely (John 7: 37-39, Matthew 11: 28-30, Proverbs 3: 5-8).
Speak His Word: With the Spirit hovering over us and our lives yielded to Him, that is the best atmosphere to speak God’s word into our situation, to create new things out of nothing. The rest of Genesis 1 illustrates this principle. God spoke definite things into being, but He did so after the Spirit incubated the void of nothingness for a while! The Spirit and the Word work together. Words borne out of Holy Spirit’s incubation can be very creative when spoken timely and in faith. John 1:1-4, Ephesians 6: 17-18, Mark 11: 22-24). Notice that many of these scriptures about the power of words is in the context of praying in the Holy Spirit. When we pray, not only do we intercede and petition God, but we also make decrees in His name ( Job 22: 27-29).
Text: Genesis 1: 1-5
In my last post, we examined the fact that the Holy Spirit is the ultimate secret to successful living. Today, we shall study the creative powers of the Holy Spirit. Yes, the Holy Spirit can create life, favor, joy, salvation etc where none existed. This is one more reason we need Him so much.
Divine Incubator: Genesis 1: 2 gives us a very vivid picture of the Holy Spirit as an “incubator”. The word ‘hover’ or ‘brood’ means to “incubate”. To brood means ‘to sit upon (eggs) to hatch, as a bird; incubate’ or ‘to warm, protect, or cover (young) with the wings or body’ ( When we allow the Holy Spirit to brood over our lives and decision-making, He will hatch great destinies, peace, righteousness, abundance etc. And what is more, He will warm, protect and cover what He hatches. When Jesus, the Savior of the world, was to be born, it took the brooding of the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:34-36). And when Jesus was about to leave the earth, he knew that it would take the Holy Spirit to empower and sustain His disciples who where charged with spreading the work of salvation (Acts 1: 8, John 14: 16-18, 26).
So, what should be our response?
Total Surrender: If it takes the Holy Spirit to incubate and birth God’s destiny in our lives, then it behooves us to surrender to Him completely (John 7: 37-39, Matthew 11: 28-30, Proverbs 3: 5-8).
Speak His Word: With the Spirit hovering over us and our lives yielded to Him, that is the best atmosphere to speak God’s word into our situation, to create new things out of nothing. The rest of Genesis 1 illustrates this principle. God spoke definite things into being, but He did so after the Spirit incubated the void of nothingness for a while! The Spirit and the Word work together. Words borne out of Holy Spirit’s incubation can be very creative when spoken timely and in faith. John 1:1-4, Ephesians 6: 17-18, Mark 11: 22-24). Notice that many of these scriptures about the power of words is in the context of praying in the Holy Spirit. When we pray, not only do we intercede and petition God, but we also make decrees in His name ( Job 22: 27-29).