Christ, Our Advocate

All through the ages, there has been a cry in the heart of men and women for an advocate, a mediator, one who can plead our case with God, and one who can fully represent us before the divine court of heaven. Job 33: 19-30.

Job: This was one person who was under intense demonic attack, yet under severe attack too from his friends as they accuse him. And how he cried out for an advocate, a divine intercessor, one who knew him better than all and still loved him enough to defend him! Job 9: 32-34; Job 16: 18-22.

David: Hounded by King Saul, David fought, ran and cried. His whole heart desire was for an advocate, a mediator. He understood that he stood no chance in the physical fighting against Saul. But there is a God in heaven is the advocate of all who are being oppressed. 1 Samuel 24: 14-16.

Jesus is our advocate: Yes, the cry of all humanity has been answered in Christ. He is our advocate in heaven, our divine intercessor. We sure can count on Him to represent us. We have our Friend as the Judge in the court of heaven. 1 John 2:1-2; 1 Timothy 2: 5; Hebrews 9: 15; Hebrews 7: 25-26.

The Holy Spirit, our ever present advocate: The Holy Spirit is heaven’s advocate living right in our heart. Well, Jesus the Lord is representing us at the throne of God in heaven, and the Holy Spirit is representing us right now in this present world. John 14: 15-17; John 14: 26.

Power of agreement: We can enjoy His advocacy only as long as we agree with God concerning our lives. We have to side with Christ to receive the full benefit of His representation. We have to agree with, and acknowledge, the Holy Spirit regularly in order to receive the full blessings of His comfort. Amos 3: 3; Matthew 18: 18-20
