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Why I Started a New Facebook Group Called Destiny Helpers, Part 2

Here are additional details about Destiny Helpers WHO WE ARE Destiny Helpers is a generous community of people helping each other fulfill destinies. OUR MISSION We provide a free and collaborative platform to help you share and fulfill your God-given assignment. HOW DOES IT WORK? 1. Join Destiny Helpers group. Membership is free and by invitation/recommendation from a friend. 2. Then, post any project, assignment, or dream that you feel the group can help you accomplish. 3. Finally, be on the lookout for any way that you may help fulfill another person’s dream. WHY? As Destiny Helpers, we think that there is something to the quote ascribed to Zig Ziglar: “You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.” We may be scattered all over the world, but our needs are as legitimate as they are varied. It is often true that one or more of us may well have the word of advice, connection, or support that another member needs ...

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Why I Started a New Facebook Group Called Destiny Helpers, Part 1


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